Respect robots.txt: The robots.txt file is a standard that sites use to communicate which pages or files bots can or can't access. … Limit the requests from the same IP: Web scrapers often send multiple requests to a site in a short time. This behavior can trigger anti-bot systems, so try limiting the number of requests sent from the same IP address. … Customize your User-Agent: The User-Agent HTTP header is a string that identifies the browser and OS the request comes from. … Use a headless browser: … Using such a tool can help you avoid getting detected as a bot by making your scraper behave like a human user. …

Respect robots.txt: The robots.txt file is a standard that sites use to communicate which pages or files bots can or can't access. … Limit the requests from the same IP: Web scrapers often send multiple requests to a site in a short time. This behavior can trigger anti-bot systems, so try limiting the number of requests sent from the same IP address. … Customize your User-Agent: The User-Agent HTTP header is a string that identifies the browser and OS the request comes from. … Use a headless browser: … Using such a tool can help you avoid getting detected as a bot by making your scraper behave like a human user. …

2024/08/30 08:30
인라인 메모
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