In the diagram, an H264 video is being recorded. The components that data passes through are as follows: 1. Starting at the camera module, some minor processing happens. Specifically, flips (horizontal and vertical), line skipping, and pixel binning are configured on the sensor’s registers. Pixel binning actually happens on the sensor itself, prior to the ADC to improve signal-to-noise ratios. See hflip, vflip, and sensor_mode. 2. As described previously, frame lines are streamed over the CSI-2 interface to the GPU. There, it is received by the Unicam component which writes the line data into RAM. 3. Next the GPU’s image signal processor (ISP) performs several post-processing steps on the frame data.

In the diagram, an H264 video is being recorded. The components that data passes through are as follows: 1. Starting at the camera module, some minor processing happens. Specifically, flips (horizontal and vertical), line skipping, and pixel binning are configured on the sensor’s registers. Pixel binning actually happens on the sensor itself, prior to the ADC to improve signal-to-noise ratios. See hflip, vflip, and sensor_mode. 2. As described previously, frame lines are streamed over the CSI-2 interface to the GPU. There, it is received by the Unicam component which writes the line data into RAM. 3. Next the GPU’s image signal processor (ISP) performs several post-processing steps on the frame data.

2022/02/07 17:00
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