16:18, Q. Lex Fridman: What’s your source of belief in situations like this when the engineering problem is so difficult, there’s a lot of expert, many of whom you admire, who have failed in the past. A lot of people, the public in general, have a lot of doubt about whether it’s possible, and you yourself know that even if it’s a non-nodal set, not empty set, of success, it’s still unlikely or very difficult. Where do you go to both personally, intellectually as an engineer, as a team, for source of strength needed to sort of preserve through this and keep going with the project take it to completion? A. Elon Musk: (long thinking...) I suppose the strength. Hmm. That’s really not how I think about things. It’s simply this is something that is important to get done, and we should just keep doing it or die trying, and I don’t need a source of strength. Quitting is not in my nature.